Debt Counselling Fee Structure

Published by The National Debt Review Center on

Debt Counselling and The Debt Counselling Fee Structure March 11, 2025

Debt Counselling.

Debt Counselling or Debt Review is a legal process that is designed to help over-indebted South Africans regain control of their finances by restructuring their debt according to a legally approved plan.

This professional service is provided for over-indebted consumers. It is a process regulated by the new National Credit Act and provides you, the consumer, with greater protection against creditors threatening to take legal action.

Consumers who are struggling to meet their monthly debt obligations qualify to apply for debt counselling. These consumers should have a distributable income, which will be used to offer reduced payments to their credit providers. Consumers married in community of property must jointly apply for debt counselling.

Debt Counselling Benefits.

  • All of your debt repayments will be consolidated into one reduced monthly repayment plan.
  • Your assets, including your home and car, will be protected from repossession.
  • You will no longer get calls from your creditors demanding payment.
  • There is no permanent record of having undergone debt counselling.
  • There is only one monthly repayment to be made.
  • Your budget will meet your basic needs first before provision is made for debts.
  • You will never pay more money than you can reasonably afford.
  • A debt counsellor will suggest ways of cutting costs and saving money.
  • Gives you Peace of Mind that your debt is being paid.
  • Help You Live Comfortably with all living expenses covered.
  • Help You Reach Your Goal of settling the debt.
  • It helps you Change your financial spending behavior.
  • You do not pay any money upfront.

Book your free debt counselling assessment below.

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Debt Counselling Process.

Complete our Free Online Debt Assessment Form.
  • It’s free of charge and only takes a few minutes.
  • Complete our online debt assessment and provide us with the details of your financial situation.
  • Submit all required documents for the initial assessment. (i.e your ID, Payslip, Bank Statements, Letter of Demands, etc).
We’ll assess and determine.
  • A Registered Debt Counsellor will determine whether your monthly expenses and debt exceed your monthly income.
  • A new monthly budget is made which covers all basic needs.
You’ll be placed under Debt Counselling or Debt Review.
  • We’ll inform all your Credit Providers and the Credit Bureaus that you are under Debt Review.
You only pay a single, reduced payment, that you can afford!
  • We’ll restructure your payment plan and negotiate with your Credit Providers.
  • This new restructured payment is paid via a registered payment Distribution Agency.
The Application will be prepared for court and finalised.
  • Our attorneys will apply at the court to make your restructured payment plan a court order.
  • You will be required to sign and submit a confirmatory affidavit.

While undergoing Debt Counselling, you will be protected against legal action taken by your Credit Providers and only have to pay one monthly, affordable reduced payment, leaving you with enough money for your monthly expenses

Debt Counselling Fee Structure

One of the most frequently asked questions we get on a daily basis is what are the Debt Counselling Fees?

Debt Counselling is a formal legal process, which is governed by the National Credit Act. Your monthly debt repayment amount is specific to your situation and how much you owe on your debt in total. Debt Counsellors are permitted by the NCR to charge certain fees which include:

Application Fee

This is a flat fee to cover the costs of the debt counsellor to process the completed debt Review application.

Regulated Cost – R50

Payment Due Upfront and in full.

Administration Fee

The Debt Review administration fee is a regulated once-off flat fee which gets charged by the debt counsellor. This fee is for administering the following processes:

  • Consultation with the consumer. The consultation is the explanation of the Debt Review process and an explanation of the regulated fees.
  • Notifications to credit providers advising them that the consumer has applied for debt review. Also, known as the Form 17.1 Process
  • Capturing the consumers’ details on the NCR Debt help system
  • Attending to any debt Review rejections (17.2 rejection) which will include
  • Notifying the consumer and credit providers and the rejection
  • Updating the NCR Debt help system
  • Compliance with regulation 25. Regulation 25 of the National Credit Act: If a debt counsellor finds that a consumer is not over-indebted and makes a finding in section 86(7)(a), the debt counsellor must provide the consumer with a letter of rejection

Regulated Cost – R300

Payment Due Upfront and in full.

Debt Counselling Restructuring Fee.

The Fees under debt counselling are aligned to the outcomes of a full assessment of the consumers’ financial information and the following processes include:

  • Proposal preparation for credit providers’ perusal
  • Restructure the consumers’ debt on the debt counsellors PDA profile
  • Negotiations with creditor providers which includes
  • Negotiate reduced instalments
  • Negotiate reduced interest rates
  • Reduce or change insurances
  • Submit final proposals to credit providers and the consumer
  • Drafting, submitting and supplying of debt counselling documents to attorneys to draft court applications.
  • Updating the NCR Debt help system
  • Attend to any transfer request from consumers
  • Attorney instruction to draft court applications
  • Filling of NCT applications in the cases of consent orders
  • Attending to withdrawal request from consumers (17.W process)

Costs – The restructuring fee is equal to the distributable amount of not more than R8000 for a single applicant and R9000 for consumers married in community of property

In other words, the first restructured instalment will get paid to the debt counsellor. The above limits apply

Payment Due: This first payment will get paid over to the debt counsellor for services rendered.

Reckless lending fee.

A debt counsellor will attend to Reckless Lending Assessments and investigations and supplying reckless lending documents to attorneys to draft affidavits on the assessment outcome

Cost R1500

After Care Fee.

Debt counsellors will track your debt counselling progress and attend to the following while you under debt review.

  • Form 17.2
  • Review of the consumers’ financial situation
  • Attend to any payment queries
  • Attend to the clearance process which includes securing paid up letters
  • Attend to the 17. W process. (withdrawal from debt counselling by the consumer)
  • Attending to the update of the NCR debt help system

Costs: 5% of the distributable amount or an amount of not more than R450 per month.

Aftercare fees will never exceed R450. If the amount exceeds R450pm query the amount with the debt counsellor and the NCR.

Payment Due monthly will get deducted from the debt Review restructured amount.

National Consumer Tribunal Submission Fee.

A debt counsellor will submit your debt counselling application with the NCT to get a consent order.

Costs R 621.14 once-off and this is excluding the NCT filling fee. Currently, the NCT filing fee.

Attorney Fees

equivalent to your monthly debt rehabilitation amount for your legal application to the Magistrate Court.

A monthly Transactional Payment Distribution Fee (PDA) as per the NCR

Book your free debt counselling assessment below.

Book an appointment with Personnel Calendar using SetMore

NCR Debt Counselling Fee Guidelines

The National Credit Regulator (NCR) has established guidelines outlining the fees debt counsellors can charge in South Africa. Understanding these fees is crucial before entering debt review. This table provides a clear breakdown of the different fees, along with details on when they become due or what triggers their payment.

ApplicationCompletion and submission of Form 16R50.00 (Regulated)Upfront and in full
Administration Feea) Consultation with consumer including an explanation of process and fee disclosure
b) Form 17.1 process
c) Loading of consumers onto the DHS
d) Rejection process of form 17.2(a) including. notifying the consumer and credit providers II. updating the DHSIII. compliance with Regulation 
R300.00 per applicationPayable upfront and in full
Restructuring FeeAttending to the Form 17.2(b) process including, but not limited to, the following related services:
a) Proposal preparation;
b) Loading the plan on the debt counsellor’s PDA*** profile;
c) Negotiating with credit providers;
d) Submitting the final proposal;
e) Supplying debt counselling documents to the attorney to draft the court application;
f) Updating the DHS;
g) Transferring the consumer; h) Instructing the attorney to draft the court application/collating and filing NCT**** application; and i) Withdrawal by the consumer (Form17.W process)
For one applicant the fee is either equal to the distributable amount** or a maximum fee of R8 000.00 (whichever amount is the lesser).

For consumers married in Community of Property, the fee is either equal to the distributable amount or a maximum fee of R9 000.00 (whichever amount is the lesser).
Collected from restructured payment in Month 1 after drafting and submission of the proposals.
Reckless Lending Feea) Reckless lending assessment; and b) Supplying reckless lending documents to the attorney to draft the affidavit on the assessment outcome.R1 500.00 per debt counselling application. Collected from restructured payment in Month 2 after completing the written outcome of the reckless lending assessment.
Aftercare Feea) Form 17.2(c) process; b) Review of the consumer’s financial situation;
c) Attending to payment queries;
d) Clearance process, including securing the paid-up letters;
e) Withdrawal by the consumer (Form 17.W process); and
f) Updating the DHS.
For the entire debt counselling process the fee is equal to 5% of the distributable amount or a maximum fee of R450.00 (whichever amount is the lesser) Collected from restructured payment in every month after Month 2 in which aftercare services are rendered.
NCT Submission FeeSubmission of the NCT application.R500.00 (excluding the NCT filing fee which is R200.00).Collected from restructured payment in Month 2 after completion of the restructuring process.
Attorney Feea) Drafting of the court application
b) Attendance at court.
To be agreed upon upfront with the attorney and communicated in writing to the consumer when applying for debt counselling.Collected from restructured payment and distributed to the attorney only after:
a) one or more credit providers have not accepted the repayment plan;
b) the attorney has drafted the court application; and
c) the attorney has attended the hearing of the court application:
NCR Debt Counselling Fee Guidelines

Frequently Asked Questions about Debt Counselling Fees

How much does it cost for debt counseling?

Application Fee (R50-R300) vat exclusive. This is a one-time fee paid at the beginning of the process to cover the initial assessment of your financial situation and determine your eligibility for debt review.

Restructuring Fee (Up to R9,000) vat exclusive. This fee is usually equal to the total amount you’ll be repaying your creditors every month under the debt review plan. There’s a maximum limit, however, which can be: R8,000 for individuals R9,000 for married couples in community of property.

Magistrates Court Legal Fee (Up to R9,000) vat exclusive. This fee is usually equal to the total amount you’ll be repaying your creditors every month under the debt review plan. There’s a maximum limit, however, which can be: R8,000 for individuals R9,000 for married couples in community of property.

Aftercare Fee (5% of monthly repayment, capped at R450) vat exclusive. This is an ongoing monthly fee charged by the debt counsellor to manage your debt review case. There’s a maximum limit to this fee as well.

Legal Fee of (R750) if The Matter will be Sent to The National Consumer Tribunal. This is a one-time fee for obtaining a consent order, which legally binds the agreed-upon repayment plan with your creditors. In some complex cases, additional legal fees might be negotiated with your debt counsellor.

Payment Distribution Agent (PDA) Fee of R15 per creditor distribution vat exclusive (Optional): A small fee might be charged by the PDA for collecting and distributing your monthly payments to your creditors.

How much does it cost to get out of debt review?

The cost of debt review removal through The National Debt Review Center is set at R8550.00 vat exclusive, with an option to pay this amount over 2 or 3 months.

It’s important to note that debt review removal fees can vary, as they are not regulated in the same way as the debt review fee structure. Some law firms and debt counsellors may charge fees ranging from R3500.00 to R12,000.00 for this service.

What is the maximum amount for debt review?

There’s no maximum limit on the total debt amount you can include in debt review. However, the restructuring fee has a cap (R8,000 or R9,000), which is typically based on your monthly repayment amount.

Is debt counseling a good idea?

Debt review can be a powerful tool if you’re overwhelmed by debt. It provides a structured approach to managing your debt, reduces interest rates, and protects you from legal action. However, the extended timeframe and limited access to credit might not be suitable for everyone. Consider the pros and cons and discuss them with a registered debt counsellor before proceeding.

What are disadvantages of debt counseling?

After your initial assessment with a debt counselling company, you may be informed that your current situation does not qualify you to go under debt review.
Some of your accounts, especially those which have been subjected to legal action, may be excluded.
Your debt may take longer to repay.
You may have to give up on a few luxuries in your life, but once you become become debt free, it will undoubtedly be worth it.
You will be “flagged” at the credit bureaus — but you will not be “blacklisted”.
You will not be able to use any of your retail store cards or credit cards.
You will not be able to apply for new credit.

How do I remove myself from debt counselling?

Removing debt review typically requires professional assistance, especially if it involves legal proceedings or negotiations with creditors.
If there are issues with your debt counsellor or if they’re no longer practicing, you may need to seek assistance from the NCR or another registered debt counsellor.

How much does it cost to maintain a debt review?

There is a monthly aftercare fee that is charged for the ongoing management and administration of your debt review. This fee typically ranges from R50 to R450 max per month and includes regular communication with your creditors and monitoring your progress.

Are debt counselling fees regulated in South Africa?

Yes, debt counselling fees are regulated by the National Credit Regulator (NCR) in South Africa. This ensures that fees are fair and reasonable and that debt counsellors adhere to the highest industry standards and ethical practices.

What are the fees for Payment Distribution Agencies (PDAs)?

PDAs charge a fee for processing and distributing your monthly payments to your creditors. This fee is typically R15 per creditor distribution.

How to remove your name from debt review

Frequently asked questions about debt review

The National Debt Review Center

Debt Counselling Fees

Is Debt Review a good thing?

The National Debt Review Center

Welcome to The National Debt Review Center, where financial stability and integrity are our guiding principles. We strive to deliver the utmost best in customer service & act with the highest standards of integrity. We are South Africa's best Debt Counselling & Debt Review Removal Company. NCR Registration Number - NCRDC3106


Steven · October 7, 2020 at 6:28 am

I am under debt review. The debt review company charge me R460.00 per month and also R517.00 for Hyphen. Is this correct. In al the regulations I cannot find the Hyphen fees that they allowed to ask.


Keobakile · December 9, 2020 at 4:40 pm

When i paid my last installment to the creditor and i am finish with my debt counseling, do i still pay the debt counselor the restructuring fees again or the lawyers fees again.

    The National Debt Review Center · December 11, 2020 at 1:37 pm

    Good day Keobakile

    Once you have paid all fees due you cannot be charged for any other additional fees.

    Kindly contact your debt counsellor to provide you with further clarity in this regard.

Rachael · April 13, 2021 at 10:18 pm

Once you have you’re payment plan structured and feel that it’s alot, can it still be reduced?

Hosanwalter · May 15, 2021 at 2:18 am

Greetings.Please I want a clarity on how much a debt counselor should charge a client for Attorney fee? Thanks

Sayed · June 2, 2021 at 10:16 pm

Consolidate all 4or 5 payments into a single payments p

Frances Pearson · August 31, 2021 at 5:05 pm

I am paling R7000 for debt review of which only R500 is paid to my creditors. Is this acceptable

Tobias Godwin · September 3, 2022 at 3:27 am

Excellent blog post. I certainly love this website. Keep writing!

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