How can I get the debt review status removed from my credit report?

Published by The National Debt Review Center on

Even after I have cleared all my debts under debt review, my credit report still shows that I am under debt review. How can I get the debt review status removed from my credit report?


If you have fully paid off all the debts included in your debt review but the debt review status still appears on your credit report, you should first obtain a clearance certificate from your debt counsellor. This certificate is evidence that you have settled your debts. (in some cases, it confirms that you are only left with your home loan and considered no longer over indebted).

Once you have this certificate, your debt counsellor should forward it to the credit bureaus. If your credit report does not reflect the update after a reasonable period, you can directly contact the credit bureaus, provide them with the clearance certificate, and request an update of your credit status or request your debt counsellor to resend the certificate.

Be aware that updating your credit report can take 21 business days, as credit bureaus follow their own procedures and schedules for such updates. If you face any challenges or delays in this process, consider contacting your debt counsellor prior seeking advice from another legal professional or debt counsellor.

Got More Questions? We have gathered the most frequently asked questions about exiting debt review here.

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Welcome to The National Debt Review Center, where financial stability and integrity are our guiding principles. We strive to deliver the utmost best in customer service & act with the highest standards of integrity. We are South Africa's best Debt Counselling & Debt Review Removal Company. NCR Registration Number - NCRDC3106


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