Debt Review Removal South Africa
If you’re seeking the best debt review removal company in South Africa or a skilled and credible professional to help you exit debt review, your search ends with The National Debt Review Center! We guarantee to help you get out of debt review, remove the debt review listing from your credit profile and achieve financial freedom.
With a 98% success rate on all our debt review removal applications, we’re confident in our ability to deliver results. Additionally, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee if your Section 87 of the National Credit Act (NCA) matter is not in court within 60 days of receiving your full payment or 50% of the payment.
As the only debt review company offering a 6-month plan tailored for low-income consumers, we’re committed to helping clients in all financial situations. Unlike many other companies, our fees are not fixed. Starting from R350 to R8500, we tailor our fees to each individual’s unique circumstances, ensuring a personalized approach and affordable solutions.
Don’t wait any longer. Book your free consultation now and start your journey to financial freedom.
By The National Debt Review Center discussing Debt Review Removal in South Africa.
Book an Appointment with our Debt Review Removal Specialist.
What is Debt Review Removal?
Debt review removal refers to the legal process of officially removing the debt review listing from your credit profile in order to restore your credit worthiness.
When someone is under debt review, it means they have sought assistance from a registered debt counsellor to restructure their debts because they were unable to meet their financial obligations and thus over-indebted. This status is noted on their credit profile. Read Here About Debt Counselling and the Debt Counselling Process
However, once a person has successfully paid off their restructured debts or their financial situation has improved to the extent that they can handle their debts without the aid of debt review, they may wish to have the debt review listing removed from their credit record. This process is known as debt review removal.
Debt review removal is important because having a debt review status on your credit profile can impact your ability to access new credit more especially if you were wrongfully listed under debt review.
(Lenders are not allowed to grant credit to a consumer listed under debt review in terms of The National Credit Act.)
In a nutshell, by removing the debt review status, an individual can restore their creditworthiness in the eyes of potential lenders and regain access to the credit market.
How do you Apply for Debt Review Removal in South Africa?
To apply for debt review removal, you will need to complete the free online application for assessment form below. This application for debt review removal form will help us assess your financial situation and eligibility for debt review removal.
How much does it cost to be removed from Debt Review?
The cost of being removed from debt review in South Africa can vary depending on the specific circumstances of your case.
- If your application falls under Section 86(7)(a) of the National Credit Act. This section deals with debt review rejections, the fee is typically R350 (VAT exclusive) & the debt review listing will be removed within 3-7 days, and credit bureaus will update within 21 business days.
- For debt review clearance certificates under Section 71, the fee is generally R450 (VAT exclusive). A clearance certificate will be issued immediately upon receipt of payment, and credit bureaus will update within 21 business days.
- If you’ve been declared overindebted by a debt counsellor in terms of Section 87 of the National Credit Act, the fee is R8550, which can be spread over 3-6 months with payments as low as R1425 per month.
- Section 165 NCA applications – The fees and timeline are the same as for Section 87.
It’s important to note that these are general guidelines, and individual cases may have additional factors that could influence the cost.
Be cautious of scams that promise quick and easy removal from debt review. It’s crucial to work with a reputable debt review company. Thoroughly investigate any company before engaging their services, and avoid making upfront payments. Always check online reviews and testimonials. Remember, debt review removal is not a one-time process. It involves multiple parties, including debt counsellors, attorneys, credit bureaus, the National Credit Regulator (NCR), and potentially the courts. Be patient and avoid unrealistic expectations of immediate results.
For a precise quote and to understand your specific situation, it’s imperative that you schedule an appointment with the NDRC
Our Reviews & Client Testimonials
How long does it take to be Removed from Debt Review in South Africa?
- Debt review rejections can typically be resolved within 3-7 days, with credit bureaus updating their records within 21 business days.
- Debt review clearance certificates are generally issued immediately upon payment, and credit bureaus will update their records within 21 business days.
- For cases involving debt review declarations of overindebtedness or court orders, the removal process can take 3-6 months, with payments spread over that period.
Please note: These are general estimates, and the actual timeline may vary depending on individual circumstances and the efficiency of the involved parties.
The process of being removed from debt review through the courts typically takes between 3 to 6 months, although this duration can extend if there are complications and delays. The process includes preparing and submitting a court application, which can realistically be completed in less than 1-2 months.
The primary cause of delays in the debt review removal process often stems from the courts, as we depend on the allocation of a court date, over which we have no direct control. Despite our legal team’s efforts to secure the earliest possible date, the scheduling is ultimately determined by the court.
Additionally, Magistrates may sometimes require extra documents that were not initially foreseen, leading to possible postponements and further delays. However, it’s important to note that such postponements generally occur only once if needed.
After the court order is obtained, the NCR will require to verify the court documents which usually take 7-14 business days and the credit bureaus will need a minimum of 21 business days to update the consumer’s credit report to reflect that they are no longer under debt review, as per the National Credit Act 34 of 2005.
The Debt Review Removal Process Explained
- The first step is to complete the application for debt review removal form. The client initiates the process by either booking an appointment or completing an online application form. The application form can either be filled out online or downloaded and submitted after completion.
- The second step is to assess your application. After receiving the application, it is thoroughly assessed to determine the likelihood of a successful debt review removal. This involves reviewing your current financial status, ability to service your current debt obligations, debt review history and other contributing factors.
- Once the application is deemed potentially successful, a legal pack is prepared. This involves gathering all necessary documentation from relevant stakeholders, which may include previous debt counsellors, credit providers, client and other legal entities.
- The complete application/legal pack, is then submitted to a court. The purpose is to obtain a court order declaring that you are no longer over-indebted.
- If the court finds the application valid and it meets all criteria, the order declaring you no longer over-indebted or rejection thereof of the previous application will be granted.
- Once the court order is granted, the documentation is submitted to the NCR for updates and verification.
- After the NCR updates their records to reflect your new status, they notify all credit bureaus of the change and request us to do the same.
- Your record from the bureaus will be updated within 21 business days after our submissions and the debt review listing will be successfully removed from your credit profile, thus restoring your creditworthiness.
What documents are you going to need to assess my debt review removal application?
- ID Copy
- Payslip or proof of income
- 3 Months Bank Statement
- Marriage Certificate if Married in-Community of Property or ANC contract if married out of community of property
- Proof of Address
- Complete NDRC Application Form
- Previous Debt Counsellor Documents (This will include but not limited to, application form & application documents, proposal, 17.w if applicable, 17.7, legal pack & court order if applicable).
- NDRC POA and other important documents.
Can debt review be removed?
- Yes, debt review can be removed under certain conditions. The process of debt review removal involves several steps, and it is typically done if your financial situation has improved significantly.
How do I get my name removed from debt review?
- The client initiates the process by either booking an appointment or completing an online application form. The application form can either be filled out online or downloaded and submitted after completion.
How can I remove my debt review status for free?
- You can only remove your debt review status by yourself without paying anyone, but you’ll need to handle your own court case and get all the necessary papers. This means you’ll have to understand the court process and make sure you collect all the right documents from the right people.
How many years does it take to removed from debt review?
- 3-6 Months if this is a court application and you do your removal application with The National Debt Review Center.
Is it easy to get out of debt review?
Getting out of debt review can be challenging but is achievable with consistent effort and adherence to the debt review plan. The process typically involves:
- Consistently paying off your debts according to the agreed-upon repayment plan is crucial.
- Refrain from taking on new debt during the debt review process.
- Maintain regular communication with your debt counsellor to discuss your progress and address any concerns.
- The timeline for exiting debt review can vary depending on factors like the amount of debt, your repayment capacity, and the specific provisions of your debt review agreement.
- Exiting debt review through the courts is not a straightforward process, it involves a complex and demanding legal procedure that requires a comprehensive set of documents, which are often not easy to obtain. Additionally, a thorough understanding of South African consumer laws and court procedures is essential. This means that successfully navigating out of debt review demands considerable effort and expertise in legal and financial matters.
Can I remove my name under debt review if have not finished paying my debt?
- Yes, it is possible to remove your name from under debt review even if you have not finished paying your debt. However, this process requires specific conditions to be met and it’s important to approach it with professional guidance from The National Debt Review Center.
Even after I have cleared all my debts under debt review, my credit report still shows that I am under debt review. How can I get the debt review status removed from my credit report?
- If you have fully paid off all the debts included in your debt review but the debt review status still appears on your credit report, you should first obtain a clearance certificate from your debt counsellor. This certificate is evidence that you have settled your debts. (in some cases it confirms that you are only left with your home loan and considered no longer over indebted).
- Once you have this certificate, your debt counsellor should forward it to the credit bureaus. If your credit report does not reflect the update after a reasonable period, you can directly contact the credit bureaus, provide them with the clearance certificate, and request an update of your credit status or request your debt counsellor to resend the certificate.
- Be aware that updating your credit report can take 21 business days, as credit bureaus follow their own procedures and schedules for such updates. If you face any challenges or delays in this process, consider contacting your debt counsellor prior seeking advice from another legal professional or debt counsellor.
NDRC Debt Review Removal Reviews
Debt Review Removal Application Form
Book an Appointment with The National Debt Review Center
Why do we assist South Africans with Debt Review Removal
Our commitment at The National Debt Review Center is to empower South Africans by assisting with the removal of debt review. This service is crucial for those who have completed the debt review process or are no longer over-indebted or were mislead to joining debt review and are seeking to rebuild their creditworthiness and regain access to credit. Our role in this process is not just about removing debt review status; it’s also about contributing positively to the financial independence and stability of individuals.
Moreover, our work is significant in addressing issues within the debt review industry, especially those caused by unscrupulous debt counsellors. Unfortunately, there have been cases where consumers were incorrectly placed under debt review, sometimes under the misconception that it was a savings plan or a form of a debt consolidation loan or consolidation savings plan. Such inaccuracies and misinformation have led to consumers getting wrongfully listed under debt review, which also resulted to eroding trust in the debt review process.
By offering transparent, ethical, and efficient services for debt review removal, we will not only help consumers correct their financial status but also play a part in improving the standards of the debt review industry in South Africa.
This effort to rectify industry malpractices is vital for restoring confidence in the debt review process and supports both consumers seeking financial relief and dedicated debt counsellors who uphold high standards of professionalism and ethics. Our dedication to these objectives underscores our commitment to protecting consumer interests and maintaining the integrity of the debt counselling sector in South Africa
Watch the Video to learn more about how to Remove or Exit Debt Review.
Book a Free Consultation with our Debt Review Removal Expert
Debt Review Removal Process.
The below infographic illustrates the debt review removal process from the initial step until the order is granted.

Possible Ways to Exit Debt Review in South Africa
In this section we share the possible ways in which a consumer can be legally removed from debt review in South Africa.
1. Completion of Debt Counselling – The issuing of a Clearance Certificate (Form 19)
- The most straightforward method for removing a debt review listing is by completing all restructured debt payments under the debt review arrangement.
- Once all debts are settled, except for a home loan or other long-term agreements, the debt counsellor can issue a clearance certificate.
- This clearance certificate is then sent to credit bureaus to remove the debt review flag from the consumer’s credit profile.
2. Court Application to Reject the Debt Review Application
- In cases where a consumer has not fully paid off their debts but can demonstrate improved financial stability, they may apply to a court for the early removal of the debt review listing.
- This process involves filing an application with the court, including an affidavit and supporting financial documents.
- The court will then assess the consumer’s financial situation and make a ruling based on whether the consumer can manage their financial obligations without the protection of debt review.
- In some instances, the debt counsellor can play a pivotal role in applying for the removal of the debt review status, especially if there is evidence of significant financial improvement or if there were errors in the initial assessment of over-indebtedness.
- The debt counsellor prepares and submits the application to the relevant court for reconsideration of the consumer’s debt review status.
3. Rescission of the Debt Review Judgement
- If the debt review process culminated in a court judgment, consumers might opt for rescission of judgment.
- This legal route requires the consumer to file a court application demonstrating that the debt review is no longer necessary or that it was initially granted in error.
- The success of this application hinges on convincing the court that the consumer’s financial circumstances have changed substantially.
Key Insights & Terminology on Debt Review Removal
This title succinctly conveys that the section provides detailed explanations on specific, important aspects and terminology of debt review removal.
NCR Debt Review Removal
- Refers to Companies or Debt Counsellors listed under The National Credit Regulator (NCR) that assist with debt review removal in South Africa.
Debt Review Removal Companies
- Refers to several companies or debt review removal attorneys that specialize in assisting individuals with the removal of debt review status. These companies work with clients to navigate the legal and administrative processes involved, ensuring compliance with the National Credit Act and relevant regulations. The best rated debt review removal company in South Africa thus far is The National Debt Review Center See more information
Clear Debt Review
- To clear your debt review means that you must complete all payments under your restructured debt plan and then obtain a clearance certificate. This certificate is essential for formally exiting the debt review process and clearing your credit record. Alternatively you can apply for a court order declaring you no longer overindebted with The National Debt Review Center.
NCR Debt Review Removal Contact Details
- For specific inquiries or assistance with debt review removal, contacting the National Credit Regulator directly on 0860627627 is advisable. They provide guidance and can address any concerns related to the debt review process. Alternatively you can contact The National Debt Review Center on 0410125036 for all debt review removal related queries and advice.
Remove from Debt Review
- Refers to removing yourself from debt review. This can involve completing your payment obligations and obtaining a clearance certificate or applying for a court order to be declared no longer over-indebted. It’s a process that requires coordination with your debt counsellor and possibly legal assistance.
Cancel Debt Review
- To cancel your debt review means that you no longer wish to undergo debt counselling or to be with a specific debt review company. You might be managing to service your debt independently without the intervention of a debt counsellor.
Remove Debt Review Flag
- The debt review flag on your credit report indicates that you are under debt review. Removing this flag involves completing the debt review process and ensuring that credit bureaus update your credit record accordingly.
ITC Debt Review Removal
- Removal of debt review status from ITC (a credit bureau) requires a clearance certificate indicating that all restructured debts have been paid. Once submitted, ITC should update your credit record to reflect your new status.
Remove My Name from Debt Review
- To remove your name from debt review, complete the online application for debt review removal with The National Debt Review Center. This is key to formally exiting the debt review process.
Clear My Name from Debt Review
- Clearing your name from debt review requires fulfilling all the obligations of your debt repayment plan and obtaining the necessary documentation, such as a clearance certificate, to prove that you have successfully completed the process or an order confirming that you are no longer over indebted.
Legalwise Debt Review Removal
- Companies like Legalwise offer services to assist with debt review removal, providing legal advice and support throughout the process. However its is advised that you check their reviews and do your research before committing. Debt Review removal can be costly and you will need a team of experienced professionals.
Best Debt Review Removal Companies
- There are several reputable companies that specialize in debt review removal. These companies offer expertise in dealing with credit bureaus, creditors, and legal requirements to efficiently clear your debt review status. Obviously we will recommend NDRC based on reviews and guaranteed timeframe.
Debt Review Removal Attorneys
- Refers to attorneys specializing in debt review removal can provide legal advice and representation, especially in complex cases where negotiations with creditors or court proceedings are involved.
Debt Review Removal Near Me
- To find local services for debt review removal, you can search for debt counsellor or legal practitioners in your area who specialize in debt counselling removal or debt review removal or choose The National Debt Review Center. They have a vast panel of experienced professionals who assist with debt review removal across South Africa.
Debt Review Removal Form
- The debt review removal process may require specific forms, such as a this online application for debt review removal form. These forms are typically obtained from your debt counsellor or the National Debt Review Center and help to assess your debt review removal application for eligibility.
Remove Name from Debt Review
- Removing your name from debt review involves a formal process, which includes fulfilling your debt obligations under the review and obtaining a clearance certificate to confirm your completion of the program or a court order declaring you no longer over-indebted.
Debt Review Removal Process
- The debt review removal process involves several steps. The National Debt Review Center, clearly show the process on their website and an infographic to educate the users about the process from start until finish. Visit their website to learn more about the debt review removal process.
Debt Review Removal Reviews
- Refers to previous customer ratings and reviews which serves as crucial feedback or guidance on how you will be treated. When considering debt review removal services, it’s beneficial to look at reviews and testimonials from clients who have used such services. This can provide insight into the effectiveness and reliability of different companies.
Remove Debt Review Online
- Refers to a paperless debt review removal application without the need of printing our papers and in person visits. Some aspects of the debt review removal process may be conducted online, such as completing the debt review removal application, uploading the requested documentation or using the debt review removal app from The National Debt Review Center.
I Want to Remove My Name from Debt Review
- To remove your name from debt review, you will have to follow the formal debt review removal application process, which includes completing your debt review removal form. Your application will be assessed and assigned to a qualified professional who will advise further.
I Want to Cancel Debt Review
- If you’re considering cancelling your debt review, it’s crucial to understand both the benefits of debt review and the consequences of cancelling it. Consulting with an expert before making any decisions is always advisable.
Benefits of Staying Under Debt Review
- While under debt review, creditors cannot take legal action against you for debt recovery, which provides significant financial relief.
- Debt review offers a manageable repayment plan that fits within your budget, allowing you to repay your debts in a more organized and less stressful manner.
- Often, debt review results in reduced monthly payments, making it easier for you to manage your finances.
- Debt Counselling encourages financial discipline and better budgeting skills, as you are required to stick to the agreed-upon repayment plan.
Implications of Cancelling Debt Review
- Cancelling debt review means losing the legal protection against creditors, who may then proceed with legal action for debt recovery.
- Exiting debt review before clearing your debts can negatively impact your credit score, making it harder to obtain credit in the future.
- Without the structured repayment plan, you may find it challenging to keep up with debt payments, leading to potential financial strain.
Before cancelling, it’s advisable to speak with a debt counselling expert. They can provide clarity on:
- The legal process of exiting debt review.
- How cancellation might affect your current financial situation and future creditworthiness.
- Alternative strategies to manage your debts without exiting the debt review prematurely.
Cancelling debt review is a significant decision with long-term financial implications. Thoroughly weigh the pros and cons, and consider seeking professional advice to ensure you’re making an informed decision that aligns with your financial goals and capabilities.
Debt Review Removal Cost
- Debt review removal cost refers to the amount charged for the entire debt review removal process. The cost of debt review removal can vary depending on the complexity of your case and the fees charged by your debt counsellor or legal advisor.
The following are the most common questions about debt review removal or removing the debt review flag or debt review status. For more information, please contact us at or phone 0410125036.
Can I remove debt review myself?
Removing debt review typically requires professional assistance, especially if it involves legal proceedings or negotiations with creditors.
If there are issues with your debt counsellor or if they’re no longer practicing, you may need to seek assistance from the NCR or another registered debt counsellor.
Can I apply for debt review removal if my debt review order was a consent order that was confirmed by the National Consumer Tribunal?
Yes – The Tribunal order is similar to the Magistrates Court Order. You can apply for debt review removal if your debt review application was made an order of the court.
Please ensure you contact your debt counsellor before you apply for debt review removal and find out if the court order was indeed granted. We also advise that you request your debt counsellor to provide you with the following documents.
- Initial Application Form (Form 16).
- Payslip used when applying.
- Withdrawal letter (17.W).
- Granted Court Order.
How long does the debt review removal court application take?
The debt review removal process takes 3 to 6 months to complete and longer if there are complications.
Normally the debt review removal application will be in court within 60 business days and thereafter depends on the mercy of the courts.
Once the matter is granted, the registered credit bureaus will also take a minimum of 20 business days to update your profile.
Can I apply for debt review removal if I have not finished paying my accounts?
Yes, you can apply for debt review removal if you have not finished paying your accounts.
What are the required documents to submit when applying for debt review removal?
- Complete this Debt Review Removal Application form
- Form 16 from the previous Debt Counsellor.
- 17.W (Withdrawal letter) from the previous Debt Counsellor.
- Payslip used when applying for debt review and your recent payslip.
- ID Copy
- Marriage certificate (if applicable)
- Paid-up letters and recent statements for active accounts.
- Proof of address
- Court Order (if applicable)
Should all of my accounts be paid in full when I apply for debt review removal?
No – You only need to ensure that you can afford to pay your debt obligations out of debt review.
What are the other legal ways to remove your name from debt review?
- Pay up your accounts as per the debt review order and your debt counsellor will issue a clearance certificate and update all registered credit bureaus to update your credit profile accordingly.
- If the Debt Counsellor have not declared you overindebted (this normally happens after 5 business days) or moved your status from A – Application to C- Consumer declared overindebted. You can request the debt counsellor to withdraw your application and update the credit bureaus accordingly. The debt counsellor will request you to pay R350 vat excl for the application and administration fees.
- Apply for Debt Review Removal
Debt Review must and can be cancelled by the consumer or by the Debt Counsellor.
In the case of Rougier v Nedbank, 27333/2010 (South Gauteng High Court), the court held that any act by a debt counsellor to terminate or withdraw debt review is beyond the statutory powers of a debt counsellor as espoused in the Act, and therefore the conduct is prohibited.
This decision led to the issuance of the NCR’s Withdrawal from Debt Review Guidelines on 25 February 2016. Prior to this date, consumers could request the issuance of a Form 17.4 from their debt counsellor, or the debt counsellor would issue the Form 17.4 of their own accord.
The issuance of the Form 17.4 did result in the voluntary cancellation of the debt review process by the consumer or the debt counsellor.
As a result of the Rougier v Nedbank decision, the Form 17.4 has been replaced by the Form 17.W. This form only caters for termination of debt review under the following circumstances:
The consumer has withdrawn from the debt review process prior to issuance of Form 17.2 and the credit bureaus have been updated accordingly via the NCR Debt Help System.
- The debt counsellor has suspended the provision of service due to non-cooperation by the consumer.
- The debt counsellor remains the debt counsellor on record.
- The consumer has obtained a court order to rescind the debt review order.
- Credit bureaus have been updated via the NCR Debt Help System.
- The consumer has obtained a court order declaring the consumer no longer over-indebted.
- Credit bureaus have been updated via the NCR Debt Help System.
Only points a, c and d would result in the termination of the debt review process and the removal of the debt review signifier from the consumer’s credit reports.
Thus, once the Form 17.2 has been issued and it is detailed that a consumer’s debt review application has been accepted, this shall be noted on the consumer’s credit report.
Unless all the accounts are paid up or the consumer becomes entitled to a clearance certificate, the only way to terminate the debt review process, according to the NCR’s Withdrawal from Debt Review Guidelines, is to apply to a court for either the rescission of the debt review order if one was obtained or for a determination that the consumer is no longer over-indebted.
How can I get a Clearance Certificate if I cannot locate my debt counsellor or the debt counsellor got deregistered?
The first step is to check the registration status of the debt counsellor HERE or contact the National Credit Regulator on 0860627627
You can also contact any registered credit bureau and request a free copy of your credit report. Locate the debt review listing and you will be able to see your debt counsellor and their contact details.
If you have exhausted all of the above options and still get no luck, you can contact us and we will issue your clearance certificate.
The process is similar to the debt review application because we will be taking over from the previous debt counsellor.
Find more information about the debt review clearance certificate and application forms HERE.
Can I get my name removed from Debt Review without an attorney or debt counsellor?
Self-representation is allowed for a consumer to represent himself or herself in court. However, the formalities of making an application are best understood by the professionals, and mistakes in the application can result in the dismissal of the application or postponements that can readily be avoided occurring.
Do I need to be present in court for my debt review removal application?
The consumer does not have to be present in court.
The consumer must facilitate the process where required, typically by providing required information and documentation.
How long does debt review removal take?
Realistically, the debt review cancellation process can never take less than 2 months.
- Firstly, the court application must be prepared and a court date must be obtained.
- The court date is never likely to be less than 2 weeks away, as the court application must be served on the debt counsellor and the creditors.
- Furthermore, the allocation of a court date depends on the caseload that the court has before it already.
- Thereafter, once the court order is obtained, the debt review signifier must be removed from the consumer’s credit reports and from the NCR’s database.
This takes a minimum of 20 business days as per the National Credit Act 34 of 2005.
Can I cancel my Debt Review and continue to pay directly the reduced installment to my creditors.
The application to terminate a debt review depends on the consumer’s ability to show he or she is no longer over-indebted.
If the consumer cannot afford to increase the debt review repayment amounts, preferably to the amounts that they were paying before commencing with the debt review process, it is highly unlikely that the application shall succeed unless the creditors have indicated acceptance of such reduced payments.
Once Debt Review is terminated, creditors cannot take legal action to recover debts.
Section 88 (3), provides that a creditor may not take legal action to enforce a credit agreement if the consumer has already applied for debt review and the application has been accepted and the consumer has been declared over-indebted.
This provision only applies while the consumer is under debt review.
As soon as the consumer’s debt review is terminated, creditors have the right to take legal action to enforce a credit agreement that was previously subject to debt review, typically calling upon the consumer to settle any arrears that may have accumulated on the account and reverting to the original initial contractual repayment amount.
10 Step process to get the Debt Review listing removed.
- The consumer contacts The National Debt Review Center, complete the free online form HERE, and submit all required application documents.
- A Registered Debt Counsellor will then contact the consumer and conduct an overindebted assessment to evaluate the consumer’s state of indebtedness as well as explain the process.
- After evaluating the consumer’s application, the debt counsellor will make certain recommendations and send legal notifications to all client creditors.
- Creditors will then respond with updated balances and paid-up letters.
- The consumer will start to pay the premium.
- The file will be referred to legal for legal preparation. (You will be contacted and requested to come in for signatures)
- Court documents are prepared, and our legal team will contact the consumer.
- Once all court documents are signed by all relevant parties (consumer, debt counsellor, and attorney), the matter will be referred to a Magistrate Court near you.
- The Magistrate will then decide.
- If the matter is granted in your favor. The Debt Counsellor will update the NCR debt help system and notify all registered credit bureaus that you are no longer under debt review.
How Can you Apply for Debt Review Removal
Follow these simple steps: should you wish to apply for debt review removal with The National Debt Review Center:
1. Complete the Debt Review Removal Application Form
- Start by completing the application form provided by The National Debt Review Center. This form is essential to initiate the process.
2. Upload & Submit the Required Application Documents
- Along with your application, you’ll need to upload specific documents as requested. These documents are crucial for assessing your financial situation and determining your eligibility for debt review removal. If you don’t have the required form or the specific documents requested, you should contact your debt counsellor to request them. In cases where your debt counsellor refuses to provide the form, or if the debt counsellor is no longer practicing, you can directly contact The National Debt Review Center for assistance. In such situations, you can reach out to them at 0410125036 for guidance and to obtain the necessary forms and information needed to proceed with your application.
3. Ensure you can Afford the Legal Fees
- Before proceeding, make sure that you can afford the legal fees associated with the debt review removal process. These fees are part of the legal procedure necessary for the removal.
4. You Should Already be Making Direct Payments to Your Creditors
- Finally, ensure that you are already making direct payments to your creditors. This is an important requirement and demonstrates your commitment to managing your debts responsibly as well as your ability to afford such payments.
15 Industry Related Frequently Asked Questions About Cancelling Debt Review – Answered
- Can I remove debt review myself?
- Removing debt review typically requires professional assistance, especially if it involves legal proceedings or negotiations with creditors. If there are issues with your debt counsellor or if they’re no longer practicing, you may need to seek assistance from the NCR or another registered debt counsellor.
- When can a credit provider terminate debt review?
- A credit provider can terminate the debt review process if you fail to meet the agreed-upon terms, such as missing payments. They have the right to issue a Section 86(10) notice, withdrawing from the debt review and proceeding with legal action to recover the debt.
- Is debt review a criminal record?
- No, being under debt review is not a criminal record. It is a legal process aimed at helping individuals manage their debts more effectively. However, it does affect your credit record and your ability to access further credit while under review.
- What happens when you cannot pay your debt review?
- If you cannot pay according to the restructured plan under debt review, your credit providers might terminate the debt review and take legal action to recover their money. This can lead to judgments against you and further impact your credit score.
- Is it true that after 7 years your credit is clear?
- In South Africa, negative information on your credit report generally stays for a period of up to 5 years. This includes information like missed payments or judgments. After this period, the information should be removed, improving your credit score. However, this does not mean your debts are written off or cleared after 7 years.
- Can I get a loan after being removed from debt review?
- Yes, once you have been removed from debt review you can apply for credit again. However, the decision to grant a loan will depend on your credit score and financial situation at the time of application.
- How much does it cost to remove debt review in South Africa?
- The cost of removing debt review varies and can depend on several factors, including the complexity of your case and the fees charged by your debt counsellor or legal advisor.
- Can I buy a car immediately after debt review?
- After completing debt review, you can apply for credit, including car finance. However, whether you can buy a car immediately depends on your current credit score and financial status. Lenders will assess your creditworthiness post-debt review before approving any loan.
- Which bank can help with debt review?
- Most major banks in South Africa work with the debt review process. This includes banks like ABSA, Standard Bank, Nedbank, and First National Bank (FNB). They have departments dedicated to handling debt review cases and can work with your debt counsellor. The National Debt Review Center work with all registered credit providers.
- How long does the debt review flag stay on your name?
- The debt review flag remains on your credit profile until you have completed the debt review process or have obtained an order declaring you no longer overindebted. Once this certificate or order is issued, credit bureaus are required to remove the debt review flag from your credit profile, typically within 21 days.
- What are the disadvantages of debt review?
- Disadvantages include restricted access to further credit during the review period, potential long-term impact on your credit score, and the possibility of paying more over time due to extended payment terms. It also involves fees for the debt counsellor’s services.
- Can I apply for a house under debt review?
- While under debt review, you are generally not allowed to incur any additional debt, which includes applying for a home loan. Your focus during debt review is to settle your existing debts as per the restructured plan.
- How do I remove debt review status in South Africa?
- To remove the debt review status, you need to contact The National Debt Review Center on 0410125036. They are considered as the best debt review removal company in South Africa.
- What is the red flag on debt review?
- The “red flag” on debt review refers to the indicator on your credit report that shows you are under debt review. This flag alerts creditors that you are undergoing a debt restructuring process and cannot access more credit during this period.
- How do I check my debt review status?
- To check your debt review status, you can request a copy of your credit report from a credit bureau, which will indicate if you are under debt review. You can also contact your debt counsellor or the National Credit Regulator (NCR) for this information.
Free Debt Review Removal
Debt review removal is a service that involves the work of debt counsellors and attorneys. These professionals assist individuals in managing their debts and ensuring that they are able to repay their debts over a reasonable period of time. As such, there are costs associated with the debt review process, including the fees for the debt counsellors and attorneys.
Therefore, it is not possible to obtain a free debt review removal as this is a service-related program, and the professionals involved must be paid for their work. It is important for individuals seeking debt review removal to be aware of the costs involved and to work with reputable debt counsellors and attorneys who can assist them in managing their debts and achieving financial stability.
Can I Cancel Debt Review?
Yes, it is possible to cancel debt review. However, it is important to note that debt review is a legal process that provides debt relief to consumers who are over-indebted. Cancelling debt review prematurely may result in legal and financial consequences, such as the resumption of legal action by creditors and the loss of the benefits provided by debt review. Therefore, before making the decision to cancel debt review, it is advisable to consult with a qualified debt counsellor or attorney who can guide you through the process and explain the potential implications.
Book an appointment with The National Debt Review Center
How to Cancel Debt Review?
To cancel debt review, you will need to follow the process outlined in the National Credit Act (NCA). The process involves the following steps:
1.Contact your debt counsellor
- You will need to contact your debt counsellor and inform them that you wish to cancel your debt review. Your debt counsellor will advise you on the implications of cancelling and the steps you need to take.
2. Provide written notice
You will need to provide written notice to your debt counsellor and all your creditors, stating that you wish to cancel your debt review. This notice should include the reasons for cancelling and any relevant documentation.
3. Obtain a clearance certificate
- Once you have settled all your debts and have paid any outstanding fees to your debt counsellor, you can obtain a clearance certificate. This certificate indicates that you have successfully completed the debt review process and that your name can be removed from the NCR Debt Help database.
Contact The National Debt Review Center on 0410125036 should you need further assistance or clarity regarding the debt review removal legal process.
It is important to note that cancelling debt review prematurely may have legal and financial consequences, such as the resumption of legal action by creditors and the loss of the benefits provided by debt review. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with a qualified debt counsellor or attorney before making the decision to cancel debt review.
Debt Review Removal Application Form
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