How long does it take to be Removed from Debt Review?

Published by The National Debt Review Center on

The process of being removed from debt review typically takes between 3 to 6 months, although this duration can extend if there are complications and delays. The process includes preparing and submitting a court application, which can realistically be completed in less than 1-2 months.

The primary cause of delays in the debt review removal process often stems from the courts, as we depend on the allocation of a court date, over which we have no direct control. Despite our legal team’s efforts to secure the earliest possible date, the scheduling is ultimately determined by the court.

Additionally, Magistrates may sometimes require extra documents that were not initially foreseen, leading to possible postponements and further delays. However, it’s important to note that such postponements generally occur only once if needed.

After the court order is obtained, the NCR will require to verify the court documents which usually take 7-14 business days and the credit bureaus will need a minimum of 21 business days to update the consumer’s credit report to reflect that they are no longer under debt review, as per the National Credit Act 34 of 2005.

Got More Questions? We have gathered the most frequently asked questions about exiting debt review here.

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The National Debt Review Center

Welcome to The National Debt Review Center, where financial stability and integrity are our guiding principles. We strive to deliver the utmost best in customer service & act with the highest standards of integrity. We are South Africa's best Debt Counselling & Debt Review Removal Company. NCR Registration Number - NCRDC3106


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